Consolidated PBY-5/A; Marine  Luchtvaartdienst, Royal Netherlands Naval Air Service 1941-1945,  History, camouflage and markings  (REPRINT)  9789490092368

Consolidated PBY-5/A; Marine Luchtvaartdienst, Royal Netherlands Naval Air Service 1941-1945, History, camouflage and markings (REPRINT)

Product code 9789490092368


€ 16.47

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Series Dutch Profile 46

Publisher/Brand Dutch Decal

Author Prudent Staal, Luuk Boerman

Format a4

No. Pages 56

Version Soft cover

Language Dutch/English

Category Aviationbooks

Subcategory Military Aviation » Netherlands

Availability only 3 remaining

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Product description

Upon popular demand and in anticipation of part 2, Duth Profile made a limited reprint of his popular Catalina part 1

The PBY-5 and PBY-5A in service of the Royal Neth. NAS 1941-1945.  By Prudent Staal, production Luuk Boerman 72 pages FC with many profiles of this famous aircraft  

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