Series Dutch Profile 41
Publisher/Brand Dutch Decal
Author Nico Geldhof, W. Mathusiak, Luuk Boerman, Max Schep
Format a4
No. Pages 60
Version Soft cover
Language Dutch/English
Category Aviationbooks
Subcategory Military Aviation » Netherlands
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When the Germans invaded the Netherlands in 1940, a fundraising campaign started in the Netherlands Indies to defend the homeland. Money was raised through the 'Spitfire Fund' to finance Spitfires. These Spitfires were almost all given East Indian names. These are applied to the airceaft, such as 'Sumatra' for example. It was the intention that a Squadron (the Gen. Winkelman Sqn!) would be established in England where ML-KNIL would be stationed. KNIL pilots were already sent to England in 1941 to gain experience, including at No.611 Sqn, where the pilots received their war experience. One of the pilots was Theo Buijs, he achieved three victories, but was killed on June 24, 1941...Due to the invasion of Japan in Ned. Indie, the whole plan fell through and the more than 100 Dutch Eeast Indies funded Spitfires were divided over various squadrons (not at 167/322 Sqn). Read the complete story about 'our' Spitfires...
Revised second edition with new pictures, a new chapter by Max Schep, new profiles and more pages
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