Chlapci, Letejte pomal a pri zemi! History Letectvi v Kromerizi ('Boys, fly slowly to the ground, "History of Aviation in Kromeriz")  Kromerizi

Chlapci, Letejte pomal a pri zemi! History Letectvi v Kromerizi ('Boys, fly slowly to the ground, "History of Aviation in Kromeriz")

Product code Kromerizi

€ 21.06
€ 11.88
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Publisher/Brand Selfpublisher

Author Ales Karban

Format a5

No. Pages 148

Version Soft cover

Language Czech

Category Aviationbooks

Subcategory Aviationbooks » Civil Aviation

Availability only 1 remaining

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Product description

History of aviation around the ancient city of Kromerizi, (or Krumriz) from 1910 till current with many period black and white and colour pictures

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