Publisher/Brand Histoire & Collection
Author Paul Villatoux
Format a4
No. Pages 130
Language French
Category Aviationbooks
Subcategory Aviationbooks » Military Aviation
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This product was added to our database on Monday 23 December 2013.
Your reliable Aviation Book Source since 1989
This book presents the most modern fighter aircrafts of the twenty-first century. Designed during the final years of the previous century, they were then called to fight during the wars that followed, and for many, were decisive to the fate of these battles. Highly illustrated, this book is aimed at both the general public specialists, both of whom will be sure to find within its pages a wealth of information. 26 x 19 cm - square spine - 130 pages
Cet ouvrage présente les avions de combat les plus modernes du XXIe siècle. Conçus à la fi n du siècle dernier, ils sont appelés à combattre durant les prochaines guerres et pour beaucoup à décider du sort des combats.
Très bien illustré, ce livre s'adresse aussi bien aux spécialistes qu'au grand public.
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