Aviatik (Berg) D1 at War  9781906798468

Aviatik (Berg) D1 at War

Product code 9781906798468


€ 18.30


Series Windsock Datafile 171 Centenary

Publisher/Brand Albatros

Author Paolo Varriale

Format a4

No. Pages 32

Version Soft cover

Category Aviationbooks

Subcategory World Wars » WW1

Availability Temporarily Out of Stock.

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Product description

This revisionist study of the Austro-Hungarian Aviatik [Berg] D.I fighters is penned by Italian historian Paolo Varriale and boasts extra colour pages to cover its subject as never before. With scores of rare photos to support the author's learned narrative,the book not only concentrates on the types' complex development but also its chequered combat career with the KuK in great detail. Lending further graphic support are nine pages of superb scale plans in 1:48 and 1:72 scales from Steve Simkin , plus nine all-new colour profiles by Ronny Bar.This lavishly-illustrated volume provides the modeller and WWI aero-enthusiast with unique and highly authoritative coverage of a true classic 'Great War' fighter aeroplane- all topped off by Roberto Zanella's stunning cover painting.

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