Supermarine Spitfire in dienst van de RAF, LSK en Schreiner Aerocontractors / In service with the RAF,LSK  and Schreiner Aerocontractors (Updated Reedition)  9789490092542

Supermarine Spitfire in dienst van de RAF, LSK en Schreiner Aerocontractors / In service with the RAF,LSK and Schreiner Aerocontractors (Updated Reedition)

Product code 9789490092542


€ 16.47

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Series Dutch Profile 16A

Publisher/Brand Dutch Decal

Author Harry van der Meer, Luuk Boerman

Format a4

No. Pages 54

Version Soft cover

Language Dutch/English

Category Aviationbooks

Subcategory Military Aviation » Netherlands

Availability In stock

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