Lockheed Hudson MKI to MKVI  WS-59

Lockheed Hudson MKI to MKVI

Product code WS-59


€ 14.63

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Series Warpaint Series No 59

Publisher/Brand Hall Park

Author Allan W. Hall

Format A4

No. Pages 34

Version Soft cover

Category Aviationbooks

Subcategory WW2 US » WW2 US Aircraft

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Product description

The Lockheed Hudson was part of the 1939 deal with America that Britain needed in order to bolster the maritime surveillance defences so essential to the country's survival during time of war. Originally 200 were ordered but this grew to five times that number by the end of World War 2. In addition Australia, New Zealand and Canada received Hudsons in quantity and even the US Navy had an anti-submarine Group which was equipped with the type. After the United States entered the war the Hudson was adopted as a navigation and gunnery trainer by the USAAF as the A-29 and over 300 were built some of which were given under Lease-Lend to Brazil. The Hudson had a magnificent war record which has hardly ever been emphasised in contemporary literature. They sank a large number of U-boats and even accepted the surrender of one which had been forced to the surface after being attecked with depth charges. All of these facts are graphically described by author Alan W.Hall in this 42-page book which is full of colour and black and white illustrations. Richard Caruana has drawn a wide variety of colour schemes, there's a 1:72nd scale plan in the centre spread and details of squadrons and production lists.

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