Hawa! Vol 1  9781906798307

Hawa! Vol 1

Product code 9781906798307

€ 17.39

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Series Windsock Datafile 168

Publisher/Brand Albatros

Author Ray Rimell and Harry Woodman

Format a4

No. Pages 32

Version Soft cover

Category Aviationbooks

Subcategory World Wars » WW1

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Product description

Ray Rimell and Harry Woodman present this fresh appraisal of the German Hannover Cl.II/Cl.III series with the first in a special double DATAFILE set. The full wartime history of the aircraft is outlined in this first volume with the aid of over 56 archive photos plus six pages of all-new 1:72/1:48 scale drawings of the Cl.II by Mick Davis. 'Hawa' wing geometry is discussed and there's the first part of the 1918 Aeronautical Engineering report on captured 13199/18 with its detailed notes and sketches. On top of all that are three pages of superb new colour profiles from Ronny Bar that grace the cover section. In the light of new information and with the benefit of new photos, these important types have never been covered in such depth before.

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