World Air Forces Directory 2022/2023

Product code WAFD2223

Publisher/Brand Mach III

Author Ian Carroll

Format a5

No. Pages 1390 !!

Version Loose leaf in binder

Language English

Category Books on aviation

Subcategory Books on aviation » Spottersbook

Availability Product out of stock and no longer available.

Product description

This publication is intended to complement our European Air Forces Directory which we revised and reprinted in 2021 and our United States Air Forces Directory which was also revised and reprinted in 2021.
The greatest difficulty with this book was to decide what to include and what to exclude. As a general guideline if a type was in service in 1975 then it is included in this volume. Inevitably there will be a few editorial whims with excursions beyond this period and exclusions within it!
This publication contains details of the current order of battle for each country within the Middle East, Africa, Far East, Latin America, Oceania and for North America just Canada. Additionally each individual aircraft type that has been in service with that air arm since 1975 is covered with wherever possible for each individual aircraft their current or last known location/sighting or fate shown.
Within each air arm aircraft are listed in alphabetical order based on the name or designation by which the type is generally known. Thus say in Egypt a C-130 would come before a DHC-5 and the latter would be followed by F-16 which in turn would come before MiG-21 and Su-7. Manufacturers' names follow the principle that whatever trading name was in use when production of that particular type ceased is the one we use.
Please remember that our mutual interest in military aviation is still not fully understood in many of the countries listed in this book.
The only major change in this edition is that due to space constraints and editorial disinterest most UAVs have been omitted.
Any comments, additions and corrections would be gratefully received by the editor.

A total of 1390 pages now in a ring binder due to its size.

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