The RAF BE2C at War  9781906798499

The RAF BE2C at War

Product code 9781906798499

€ 18.30


Series Windsock Datafile 172

Publisher/Brand Albatros

Author Paul R Hare

Format a4

No. Pages 32

Version Soft cover

Category Aviationbooks

Subcategory World Wars » WW1

Availability Temporarily Out of Stock.

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Product description

Paul R Hare presents this all-new appraisal of the classic RFC/RNAS reconnassance biplane that saw extensive service at home and abroad in 1915-1917. As well as a great selection of archive photos ,there's page after page of detailed 1:72 and 1:48 scale drawings by Mick Davis with most all the major variations covered. Ronny Bar presents three pages of stunning new colour profiles to complement Paul Monteagle's evocative cover painting, whilst there are several colour spreads showing colour close-up details of TVAL's BE2c reproductions and the main BE2c survivors. For builders of this year's Airfix kits, and others, our latest DF is the ultimate reference!

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