Ford Galaxie  Staff Car two -US Air Force,  police etc. 4-Door Sedan + 3 Figures, Roof Equipment  MM072-021
Ford Galaxie  Staff Car two -US Air Force,  police etc. 4-Door Sedan + 3 Figures, Roof Equipment  MM072-021

Ford Galaxie Staff Car two -US Air Force, police etc. 4-Door Sedan + 3 Figures, Roof Equipment

Product code MM072-021


€ 37.15

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Scale 1 : 72

Series Airfield Srs

Publisher/Brand MilMod Military Models

Version Resin

Category Scale Modelling Kits

Subcategory Scale Modelling Kits » Kits: Ground Equipment/Vehicles

Availability only 3 remaining

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This product was added to our database on Thursday 15 August 2019.

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Product description

Original 1/76 OO scale master by Barry White (BW Models)
Beautiful model that is very useful for 1/72 diorama's

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