Scale 1 : 32
Publisher/Brand Pynup Decals
Category Scale Modelling Kits
Subcategory Scale Modelling Kits » Decals
Availability only 1 remaining
This product was added to our database on Friday 1 April 2005.
Your reliable Aircraft Modelling Source since 1989
Mind: this item is a decal sheet that serves to decorate a scalemodel. The scalemodel is not included and needs to be ordered separately.
Here is the first sheet in a brand new line of decals called PYN-up Decals. This particular sheet is dedicated to "Marge" as flown by Richard Bong during his tour in New Guinea as the assistant OPS officer for 5th Fighter Command. The sheet includes full markings for Richard Bong's P-38J-15 and what is more important, brings in a new addition to most decal users and that is the use of photo-quality decals for the nose art. These decals are incredibly thin and are in a separate packaging to prevent them from being damaged until needed.
You are given two options for the nose art. One is the correct hand-colored image that was carried on Bong's plane and the other is an incorrect black and white image. Since all of the photos of this plane are in black and white, the decal makers thought it important that the b&w option be offered for those who might wish it. Since these decals are somewhat fragile, a duplicate is provided for those of us who have a tendency to mess things up the first time around! You are also provided with a white background decal on which to put the nose art.
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